German Press Condemns VMMC
On 4 May, 2017, The VMMC Experience Project participated in a joint press conference against the mass African circumcision campaign at the Bundespressekonferenz in Berlin.
The event was coordinated by MOGiS e.V., and also included speakers from Aktion Regen, Terre de Femmes, Intact Kenya, and the German Pediatric Society (the BVKJ).
The German media response:

Doubtful Methods
Organisations demand the stop of circumcision programmes in Africa
Several organisations now advise against circumcising boys in the fight against the HIV virus: This could increase the spread even further.

Questionable Development Aid
The WHO wants to prevent HIV infections with the circumcision of boys and men, Germany supports this. Is this useful?

WHO’s circumcision campaign in Africa under massive criticism

Activists call for immediate stop of boy circumcisions in Africa
20 million men in Africa are to be circumcised. The advocates believe this to be an effective tool in the fight against AIDS. Activists, on the other hand, demand the immediate end of circumcision. Daniel Pelz, Berlin.

Demonstration in Cologne
A number of organisations have called for a halt to internationally-funded circumcision programmes for HIV prevention in Africa. Ulrich Fegeler of the BVKJ [German Pediatric Society] said in Berlin that the programmes must be rejected for human rights reasons. According to the alliance of organisations that are working against medically unnecessary circumcisions, the interventions are carried out in some African countries without the consent of the parents. Complications are not adequately explained.