By The Intact Kenya Team Job and I arrived in Bondo town in the evening of Friday 24th June, 2022 in readiness for our planned live-on-air radio talk show which was scheduled to kick-start at 9:30pm on the same day. At exactly 9:35pm, our host Steve Jakonyango began the show on air by greeting and… Continue reading Bondo Circumcision Radio Talk Show
Guest Blogs
Siaya Rejects Circumcision
Siaya Rejects Circumcision By Kennedy Owino 3 April 2021 We arrived in Siaya town in the afternoon of Tuesday 30th March, 2021 in readiness for our live-on-air radio talk show which was to broadcast on 88.8 Kababa fm. The show began a few minutes before 10pm running upto 11:30pm that night. The show host was… Continue reading Siaya Rejects Circumcision
Bedroom Circumcision Invasion
Circumcision Invasion of Baba’s Bedroom By Kennedy Owino 18 November 2019 “The ultimate popularity of circumcision depends not on convincing normal men to undergo the ordeal of surgery, but on targeting a group of patients who could not object.” —David Gollaher “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon… Continue reading Bedroom Circumcision Invasion